Monday, June 11, 2012

Baby Shower for Dana

My friend Dana and me in seventh grade
Dana and I have been friends since the fourth grade. I think it would take several posts to explain our friendship. She is just someone who knows me inside and out. We both lived in New York together in our twenties. We have seen each other through heartbreak and jobs and dramas (and not just adult dramas but middle school dramas which we all know are intense!). She makes me laugh harder than anyone. Suffice it to say she is an amazing person and she will be an incredible mother. Recently I helped her sister throw her a baby shower. By the way she and her sister are both having babies within a week of each other which is beyond amazing.

Dana and me in Palm Springs enduring 100 plus temperatures 
There was delicious food, lovely flowers and so many friends who came from far and wide just to help Dana savor this beautiful moment. It says a lot about a person when their friends will fly in for, in some cases, only five hours just to be there for your baby shower. The one thing we did ask of guests was to create a quilt square and bring it to the shower. While the party was happening Dana's sister Leigh quietly laid out the squares into a mock quilt and took Dana to see it. The tears were flowing. She was overwhelmed and touched. There were squares that were embroidered and bits of fabric that had meaning to her and her friends. It was such a lovely way to commemorate a baby shower, and I have to confess initially this project kind of overwhelmed me, but the results were amazing. If you have a baby shower to throw I highly recommend this idea.  

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