Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This photo captures how I feel today. TIRED. There are some days when it feels like I will never really sleep again. If anyone I know is pregnant the one piece of advice I give them is to sleep, sleep, sleep as much as they can. I think they hear me but they don't quite understand the intensity of the sleeplessness. Sometimes I say I never knew it was possible to function on so little sleep. 
Hank has never been the best sleeper but I have struggled throughout these fifteen months to let go and let him cry a bit so that he can learn to sooth himself. Our sleep saga could be it's own blog but basically I am hoping that the end is in sight and that we may finally get some good sleep around here. We have had brief moments and my husband has had great success with it, but then I come in and ruin it again or he gets sick or something else comes along but that is it. Enough is enough. I am still nursing this guy and perhaps that plays into it as well? Whatever it may be there is nothing more wonderful then staring at your child sleeping in your arms. I am overwhelmed with love and contentment. It's the best. It's every other tough moment in the middle of the night that is killing me. .

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