Thursday, December 22, 2011

Memory Lane

I was searching for photos of Hank yesterday with some of our favorite presents and I was struck by how different he looks these days. 

This is Hank in his baby bjorn bouncy seat. He loved this thing. I can't tell you how awesome this seat is. Mike used to call it his "throne." He loved bouncing away in it.

This is Hank last christmas. He is in awe of my brother and sister-in-law's dog Howard. Can't say I blame him. Howard it pretty cute.
Here is Hank in his bumbo seat or as Mike calls it for some reason his "bimbo." He only sort of loved this thing when he was little but these days he likes to carry it around and try and sit in it. He always looks really proud after he successfully smushed himself into it, and he is always very serious when he is carrying it around. I need to take some photos of the bumbo these days I guess.

Hank's grandpa is a doctor so we thought this shirt was hysterical when he got it. My son has always been on the beefier side so unfortunately I think he only wore this once or twice but it is pretty funny. He looks excited to make the rounds.
This was last year over President's day weekend. We rented a house in Palm Springs with a bunch of friends and their kids. So fun. Hank is definitely a water baby. We've since taken some swim classes so he loves the water even more these days. Some days it's hard to believe so much time has passed because the days can feel so long when you are in the midst of them, and other days it's feels like things are going way too fast. What happened to this cute chubster? When did my baby become a little toddler?

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