Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cleanses and Gwyneth and Me

I know most people are probably still thinking about their New Year's party and the idea of a cleanse perhaps hasn't yet crossed their mind. I am already thinking about it since I am guessing my New Years will likely be pretty tame. I must confess that I love a good cleanse. I have tried a few in my day and have always really enjoyed the challenge. Although I haven't always made it to the end.

There was the time I purchased a crazy amount of lemons and cayenne pepper only to realize on day two that the Master Cleanse is way too much for me and that my stomach was upset by all the acidity. But the rest of them have been mostly successes

I have tried some simpler cooking type cleanses - no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, etc. They are often inspired by my guru of many things - Gwyneth Paltrow. Now I realize she is a polarizing figure for some but I love so much of what this woman suggests. I have her cookbook and everything that I've made from it has been easy and so delicious. I have tried the DVD's from the woman responsible for making her body so booming for the last five years - Tracy Anderson.

I actually really enjoyed those until one day our landlady called me husband while at work and asked if I was doing construction work upstairs. No I am obviously just doing a Tracey Anderson Dance Cardio workout! I soon quit that.

But I digress. This year I plan on revisiting an old cleansing friend - BluePrint Cleanse.
This juice cleanse is totally feasible for three days. The number six is super-delicious. After a full day of just juice the almond milk tastes like a vanilla milkshake. This time I am doing the cleanse with a group of coworkers, which should mean that we can encourage each other and we got a discount! Now I know not everyone believes in cleanses. Perhaps they really slow our metabolism down, etc, but for me it's nice every once in a while to just really simplify what you put in your body. I am excited.
p.s. I am a bit ashamed to admit that we do own a nice juicer and a vita mixer. There is really no good reason why I couldn't just make these at home but it's nice to have someone do everything for you. And speaking of juice if you live in Los Angeles you should really check out Naturewell. They make amazing juice and their Coconut Kale Smoothie is to die for. Just saying.
from here
Best Shake Ever

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