Tuesday, July 3, 2012

On Not Sleeping Again

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This photo pretty much sums up where I am at today. Last night Hank woke up at 2:00 am convinced it was time to giggle and play. In the last week or two we have totally regressed on the sleep front. It is pretty heartbreaking because it took us a LONG time to conquer the sleep issues and get our son sleeping through the night. Hank was very colic-y in the beginning so our first few months were spent endlessly rocking, swaying, and living on one of those giant exercises balls bouncing for what felt like most of the night. Colic eventually passed but Hank didn't sleep through the night until long after he turned one. Full disclosure I am 100% the reason it took so long to get Hank to sleep. My husband pushed us many times to help him through some form of crying and I would end up crying, and give up after a try or two. Sleep is so necessary.  I have read quotes like in the first year parents lose two months of sleep, and boy do I believe it. I tried many failed attempts to get him to sleep through the night with minimal tears but ultimately we had to succumb to a version of crying in order for him to sleep for more than two consecutive hours. This was painful and hard but he always woke up a a happy boy, and the benefits were that my husband and I would find ourselves going to bed and sleeping for up to eight hours in a row! It seemed like a miracle. Hank has never been a late sleeper so most days he wakes up at 5:30 am which would bother some parents but I will gladly take it if it means he sleeps through until then. Why then in the last week or so is he suddenly resistant to be left alone to fall asleep? Skills he had mastered long before he was sleeping through the night? Does this mean he is simply more aware and therefor fearful? Is a new nightlight the answer? Should we put some books and toys in his crib so that he can entertain himself at 2:00 am or 5:00 am if need be? Why is sleep so hard for some kids?

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