Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Boot Camp

When I was on maternity leave and sporting a bit of extra weight I joined a friend for two months in a Mommy boot camp. It was really great. We met at a woman's house in my old neighborhood and there was even a babysitter there so I could bring Hank. We would do everything from boxing, to pulling a giant tire up a hill, to Pilates and yoga. I was able to reach a level of fitness that I wasn't even at before I had Hank, and then I returned to work and well it was hard to find time for much of anything beyond my family and work. Recently I decided that I have to find time for fitness. It makes such a difference in my overall mood. Going to the gym once a week isn't enough. So an old boot-camp friend decided to start an Atwater Village group and it's on. I've been going now for only two weeks but I already feel stronger. This morning we had fitness tests - how many push-ups can you do in three minutes, how many sit-ups can you do in three minutes, how long does it take you to run the mile, etc. They even measure your waist, arms, butt, etc all so that hopefully next month you are slimmer, fitter and can run faster than you did when you started. There was a woman there today who has been going to boot-camp for one year. When she started she couldn't do one push-up and today she left us all in the dust. If you live in Los Angeles I highly recommend checking out this bootcamp.  

p.s. we don't really do any sort of human pyramid exercises but I wouldn't put it past the trainers.   

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