Monday, October 1, 2012

To Skuut or Not to Skuut

Now that Hank is two it seems like some kind of bicycle should be in his not too distant future. A few years ago I saw a friend's then four-year-old son ride around the park on a two-wheeler without training wheels like he had been doing it all his life. When I asked him when he took off his training wheels he looked at me a bit confused. He explained to me that he simply never had any. Instead he learned on the Skuut bike, a balance bike. Since then I've seen other friends' kids tool around on the skuut. They simply glide and use their feet but they get the balance down so well that by the time they shift to a proper bike with pedals it's really easy.

Does this mean we avoid the trauma that I remember so vividly when you learn to ride a bike. You're being pushed on the two-wheeler and the terror that overcomes you once you realize your parent has let go. And the falling, I do remember I did some falling. Hank seems just about ready to tool around on a skuut but it might be a bit hard for him, whereas if we got him a tricycle I think it would be easier for him now, but maybe in the long run he would be better going right to a skuut.

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