Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy 2012

Happy almost New Year! I can't believe it will be 2012 on Sunday. I still feel like I did in fifth grade when a new year approaches - "but I just got used to writing 2011 at the top of my papers!" I imagine that feeling never quite goes away. This photo is actually from our wedding but gosh if it doesn't feel festive and sparkly to me, which is sort of the New Years vibe isn't it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cleanses and Gwyneth and Me

I know most people are probably still thinking about their New Year's party and the idea of a cleanse perhaps hasn't yet crossed their mind. I am already thinking about it since I am guessing my New Years will likely be pretty tame. I must confess that I love a good cleanse. I have tried a few in my day and have always really enjoyed the challenge. Although I haven't always made it to the end.

There was the time I purchased a crazy amount of lemons and cayenne pepper only to realize on day two that the Master Cleanse is way too much for me and that my stomach was upset by all the acidity. But the rest of them have been mostly successes

I have tried some simpler cooking type cleanses - no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, etc. They are often inspired by my guru of many things - Gwyneth Paltrow. Now I realize she is a polarizing figure for some but I love so much of what this woman suggests. I have her cookbook and everything that I've made from it has been easy and so delicious. I have tried the DVD's from the woman responsible for making her body so booming for the last five years - Tracy Anderson.

I actually really enjoyed those until one day our landlady called me husband while at work and asked if I was doing construction work upstairs. No I am obviously just doing a Tracey Anderson Dance Cardio workout! I soon quit that.

But I digress. This year I plan on revisiting an old cleansing friend - BluePrint Cleanse.
This juice cleanse is totally feasible for three days. The number six is super-delicious. After a full day of just juice the almond milk tastes like a vanilla milkshake. This time I am doing the cleanse with a group of coworkers, which should mean that we can encourage each other and we got a discount! Now I know not everyone believes in cleanses. Perhaps they really slow our metabolism down, etc, but for me it's nice every once in a while to just really simplify what you put in your body. I am excited.
p.s. I am a bit ashamed to admit that we do own a nice juicer and a vita mixer. There is really no good reason why I couldn't just make these at home but it's nice to have someone do everything for you. And speaking of juice if you live in Los Angeles you should really check out Naturewell. They make amazing juice and their Coconut Kale Smoothie is to die for. Just saying.
from here
Best Shake Ever

I Need a "Boyfriend"....

No, not a real one. I have a husband who is wonderful! But I do love a "boyfriend shirt", a "boyfriend button down", a "boyfriend sweater." I have even seen of late a "boyfriend dress" which is weird because let's be honest how often does one borrow a dress from their boyfriend? If you are maybe you should either be worried or think that it's awesome that your man can rock a frock? Who knows.

Of course I ought to simply wear things that belong to my husband to achieve that "boyfriend" look for free,  but that would be too easy. Instead I like to fall head over heels for things that are marketed as being "boyfriend" in cut. Here are a couple good recent examples. I think Steven Alan may be the king of all things boyfriend so I had to include two of his.
J Crew



Steven Alan
Steven Alan 

Monday, December 26, 2011

This is genius!

I must confess that by the end of my pregnancy with Hank I was a total convert and never wanted to wear pants with zippers again. Why would you? Stretch maternity pants are kind of amazing but seem to be less so the longer you wear them post-baby? But let's face back in the beginning of my pregnancy I wanted to stay in my jeans for as long as possible. I tried the rubber band trick and those belly bands but I often just fell like my pants were going to fall off. If i were pregnant I would definitely consider this. Denim Therapy takes your favorite jeans, you know the ones you found after literally trying on ten other pairs, that make your butt look amazing. And they alter them with stretch so they will last through part of pregnancy and then after baby they will return them to their original state. Utter genius although perhaps realistically maybe more effort than I am willing to put in (yep I can be lazy about stuff like this).

Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry merry

Happy Holidays! We've been enjoying every last moment. xoxo

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Memory Lane

I was searching for photos of Hank yesterday with some of our favorite presents and I was struck by how different he looks these days. 

This is Hank in his baby bjorn bouncy seat. He loved this thing. I can't tell you how awesome this seat is. Mike used to call it his "throne." He loved bouncing away in it.

This is Hank last christmas. He is in awe of my brother and sister-in-law's dog Howard. Can't say I blame him. Howard it pretty cute.
Here is Hank in his bumbo seat or as Mike calls it for some reason his "bimbo." He only sort of loved this thing when he was little but these days he likes to carry it around and try and sit in it. He always looks really proud after he successfully smushed himself into it, and he is always very serious when he is carrying it around. I need to take some photos of the bumbo these days I guess.

Hank's grandpa is a doctor so we thought this shirt was hysterical when he got it. My son has always been on the beefier side so unfortunately I think he only wore this once or twice but it is pretty funny. He looks excited to make the rounds.
This was last year over President's day weekend. We rented a house in Palm Springs with a bunch of friends and their kids. So fun. Hank is definitely a water baby. We've since taken some swim classes so he loves the water even more these days. Some days it's hard to believe so much time has passed because the days can feel so long when you are in the midst of them, and other days it's feels like things are going way too fast. What happened to this cute chubster? When did my baby become a little toddler?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Baby Boom

Perhaps something is in the air but I feel like every week or so I learn about the birth of a friend's baby or that someone I know is pregnant. All of these babies and babies to be make me think back to our preparations and also all of the incredible gifts we received when Hank was born. I thought I would highlight some of my favorite gifts. I know this is the time of year that most people are thinking about holiday gifts but I thought I would buck the trend and think about the best baby presents. I am steering clear mostly of practical stuff here and going for what is fun.
These leggings are super cute. I never actually received these guys but I've seen them a bunch and I just ordered them for a pregnant friend and they are just as cute in person.
A good friend got me one of these classic LL Bean totes  with Hank's name on it and I can't tell you how great it has been. We've taken it to the beach, on vacation, and just back and forth to the baby-sitter's. I think this is a great little gift and I definitely want more. 
When I was pregnant we received a ton of these Aden and Anais muslin swaddle blankets and they are amazing. They are a bit big in the beginning to use for swaddles but they are great for just about everything. Since Hank was born they've come out with a bamboo version that's even softer than the original. 
A good friend sent me a blabla doll from New York. They are really great and soft and make awesome loves. We have since received one more from my sister-in-law and it's awesome too. Hank loves them both. This company also makes awesome clothes, bags and even mobiles. 
I heart rifle paper company. I first discovered the amazing Anna Bond's work when I was engaged and we wanted to have her design our invitations. We didn't end up doing it and now she is everywhere. Her stuff is so cute and since we didn't end up having her design our invites I figured the next best thing would be to have something of hers in Hank's room. And she makes adorable kid stuff. This was something I gifted myself but it would make a great gift for any mom/dad to be. Also she has a ton of other cute prints and stuff for kids. 


Above is a photo I snapped on a vacation with my Dad in the Amalfi Coast, one of the most heavenly places on earth.  
This lovely photo is of my husband and I recreating an America's Next Top Model finale runway show in Barcelona (for those of you who watched my husband is obviously CariDee and I am Melrose).

Here we are at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa on our honeymoon. 
And here is my husband posing with some statue in Buenos Aires (he cannot walk by a statue, figure, sign etc without posing with it). 
I am the kind of person who books my flights so that I can arrive as early as possible and return at the last moment. I want to pack in every minute of adventure. I love to travel. In all my post-college years I don't think I've ever just stayed in New York or now Los Angeles for an extended period time without working. Basically I've never had a staycation but now I had one sort of forced upon me. Our lovely nanny is visiting family in El Salvador so for the next week I am just enjoying LA and Hank. It's actually been great so far. 
The photo above is basically what my staycation looks like. Yes it isn't quite as glamorous as the previous journeys although you will notice the palm tree over the Trader Joes. 
Basically our days consist of bike rides, visits to the park, lunches just the two of us (well today my brother came along) and lots of errands. Basically it's heaven. It reminds me of my maternity leave and how amazing it was. 
Until......Hank started screaming while we were waiting to check out at Barnes and Noble and I am pretty sure a couple with a newborn whispered to their child, "don't you ever do that." Or today when I entered Hank's room post-nap to find the biggest poop explosion I have ever laid eyes on (and I thought I had seen some doozies before). I actually took pictures but decided my son will definitely need therapy some day if I posted that. While I was hosing him down (literally this was way beyond wipes) I was reminded of how hard being a stay at home parent is. Not because of meltdowns and poops, everyone experiences those. It's just hard to be present and engaged and mellow and remain full of awe and appreciation of the marvelous creatures that you are blessed to spend time with at all times. I am in awe of stay at home moms. I think an occasional break is good for me as much as I would love to be spending all of my time with Hank. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Office Christmas Party

Tonight is my office Christmas party. Back in the day when I still lived in New York we would have large, lavish affairs at Tavern on the Green. The setting was classic - right in the middle of Central Park (I think you could probably take a carriage home if you wanted to) and you could always count on some great people watching and perhaps even a drunken scandal (never from me of course).  

My first year or two in Los Angeles I was able to attend even more over the top company-wide affairs complete with Karaoke machines and giveaway flat screen TVs at Hollywood nightclubs. These days things are a bit more austere. We only have a small gathering with just my immediate colleagues, and to be honest its pretty much impossible to juggle parties and childcare and everything else. I will be lucky if I make it till 5:30 pm. 

I doubt I will be quiet as jovial as the folks in this last photo but it's always nice to celebrate and decompress for a moment or two. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Glow

Have you seen the glow? I am guessing at this point you probably have. I obsessively check this website. They don't update it all that often. It features a different mom every week or so and they always are shot with light pouring in behind them cuddling with their gorgeous kids. Each mom mentions a bit of advice, beauty routines, favorite toys and distractions for their children and maybe a delicious recipe. The latest installment is David Schwimmer's wife who had a home birth and seems awfully cool. Who knew? Anyway, they always seem to have a gorgeous home and lovely little ones. I even found this delicious recipe for a fall salad on the page and I have made it a bunch. It's seriously amazing Sometimes I wonder if I would love this website as much if I wasn't a mom. When I was a bride to be I religiously read every great wedding blog and now I enjoy an occasional glance or two but really can't be bothered. Somehow I think this one is appealing to non-moms too.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How Does She Do That....

No, I have not seen this movie. I don't think its supposed to be very good although I am not saying I wouldn't watch it if it was on a plane or something, but I have a pretty good idea of what its about. Sarah Jessica Parker is a successful working mother blah blah who struggles but ultimately has it all with the help of her handsome, loving husband, or maybe she gives up the fabulous career for the family? Who knows exactly but I bet there is snow at the end. All I can say is I can relate to the title and the struggle of having to do it all aka be a working mom. Minus the fabulous wardrobe but of course with the fabulous husband last week I set out on my first real work trip. Yes, I packed my bags and lots of warm clothes and headed for the heart of the Midwest for an important work opportunity to show my stuff and hopefully do a good job. I was anxious about my departure for days. I had never left Hank for more than 24 hours and I was nervous, mostly for me. How will we get through it? Will he miss me? Will he be OK?  Luckily my husband did an incredible job, along with our nanny, and I know Hank had a great weekend. He slept better than ever even. We never were able to Skype and to be honest as much as I wanted to see his face I was afraid maybe it would remind him of my absence or confuse him. After all he is only fourteen months. I worked pretty much non-stop so besides a brief crying spell I survived and couldn't wait to get home. I was so excited to see my little man I actually woke him up from a nap! A big no no for most parents. He was confused but seemingly happy to see me. He was a bit standoffish but settled into the my chest and just sat next to me for a while which was heaven after six days, but that night it was clear something had changed. Maybe for the best? After being a big time Mama's boy forever he did not want to be held or comforted by me. He wanted Daddy which was something new in our world. A better Mom would have seen the beauty in this moment and just been happy to have such an amazing husband that my son adores. Unfortunately, I am not that Mom and literally went into my bedroom and wept. Not my finest moment. 

Yesterday I took the day off and Hank and I spent the whole day together. 

Our day was made up of a visit to the park, a lunch date just the two of us, a trip to the zoo (I had a LOT to make up for) and lots of cuddles. By this morning it seemed like I had restored his faith in me, and then I dropped him off with the nanny and wow the tears were intense. It made me feel like I had really made him question his trust in me that I am going to be there (am I going overboard). And that this is only going to get harder and work has already asked me to travel again. I guess my point is I don't know how anyone does it. This balance thing is so hard. That's it. I don't have an answer. I am just putting it out there. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

My New TV Jam

This weekend I discovered and fell in love with "Downton Abbey." This show is so good. It is a combination of a great British costume drama - think the recent "Jane Eyre" or "Sense and Sensibility" but even better because I think it strives to have the pace and tone of a modern show a la "The West Wing." or maybe even "Mad Men."
The show weaves together the story of one wealthy British family and the servants who work for them. Even Mike who was skeptical of such a show was hooked and we devoured four episodes during Hank's nap time. I can't say enough good things about it. This show is great and the new season starts on PBS on January 8. I will be watching.

Vanity Fair Photo

On a sad note I have to take my first real work trip this week. I went away for one night a month or so ago but this will be five night/six days away from my two favorite guys. After several hours of panic and meltdowns I have calmed down a bit and I know that everyone is going to be just fine (except maybe me). I am still anxious about it though. Being a working mom is not easy and I have a feeling this juggling act doesn't get any easier any time soon.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holiday Sparkle

Let's be honest last year I spent New Years at my in-laws in Bucks County, PA. If memory serves my husband's parents were still keeping it real way past midnight with their friends while Mike and I retired to bed at oh around 11:00 pm (and we only made it to such a late hour because we were tempted by a big dessert spread). Even when we didn't have Hank it was a struggle for us to stay up until midnight. We have never had anything crazy fun and fabulous to do (besides just being with each other which is all the fun and fabulous I need). I think we spent our first New Years together having dinner at Blowfish Sushi on Sunset BLVD (we got a last minute reservation) and the waitresses were in lingerie, house music was pumping and every other table seemed to be a group of super stylish high school girls. You remember those tables of twelve girls dressed to the nines. I wanted to whisper in their ears that this was probably the highlight of the night. Not that awkward party later where their crush would be. But anyway I digress. My point was if I was going to be doing something fun this year I would love to get a fun, sparkly party dress. The kind that you really can only rock on New Years Eve. Here are some of my dream dresses.
Isabel Marant  



Separation Anxiety

Goodbyes are heartbreaking these days. Even though I know in my head Hank will be just fine within a few moments after I leave it is so sad to hear him cry as I walk out the door. I am tempted to distract him and then quietly sneak out but my sense is that my disappearing might make him even more anxious about goodbyes. I know every kid goes through this. And he does it with Mike a lot as well. It just makes my journey into work all the more sad. Luckily I have cute photos like this one to keep me company at work. It's hard to believe that this was just last weekend considering we had hurricane force winds over night. But here is the evidence that it was eighty degrees just a few days ago.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My New Dinner Jam

I may be late in figuring this out but I finally jumped on the slow-cooker bandwagon. This device is a working mom's best friend! Seriously this guy has the best advice. Actually I have been wanting one for some time and my husband and I still have a drawer full of gift cards leftover from our wedding to stores like sur la table and crate and barrel that are just collecting dust. I hope there are not expiration dates on these cards. Anyway I finally caved in a couple weeks ago and bought this guy:
You toss a bunch of stuff inside in the morning before you leave work and when you get home you are bombarded with delicious smells and braised meats or veggies. I have experimented with a few recipes and I must confess I am a bit disappointed there aren't more resources out there for a hip, urban gal who wants to slow-cook something. Most of the websites I found don't seem quite my speed. The best seems to be from my old pal Martha. She has a roundup of a bunch of slow cooked things and so far each one I've tried has been delicious. I think I am going to make this one again tomorrow.
It's chicken with pinto beans and veggies. It was great with some tortillas. I am hopeful that I will find some other great crock-pot or slow-cooker recipes soon. Still not sure exactly what the difference in terms is but oh well.
And I just thought I would add this photo because once again Hank insisted on walking this morning. Our morning strolls now seems to consist of one block (we go back and forth and back and forth) but my God is he proud to be walking.